Secondary Operations: The 4 W’s

Customers come to us will all different types of projects. Some require assembly, welding, EMI shielding, overmolding, or other post-production processes for Plastic Injection Molding. We love being able to provide solutions for them. Many of these secondary processes we perform in-house, saving our customers time and money. Those secondary operations that we do not provide in-house, we still coordinate and facilitate so that the final part our customer receives is just as they need it.

The Why, What, Where, When of Secondary Operations


At Nylacarb, we believe in meeting and exceeding the expectations of our customers. We find it incredibly valuable to provide these services for our customers.


We currently offer ultrasonic welding, assembly, in-mold decorating, overmolding, and unique packaging as in-house secondary proceses. While we do not currently perform other in-house secondary processes such as hydrodipping and EMI Shielding, we work with customers and local companies that do provide these things so that our customer can get the desired finished product. 

Check out this video to learn more about our Secondary Operations for Plastic Injection Molding!


Our facility in Vero Beach, FL has a specific area, separate from the production floor, for secondary operations.


We offer secondary processes for Plastic Injection Molding as a customizable solution for all customers. We can competitively quote a project to include these services upon request.

Have a project you need quoted? contact us!

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